6 costly money mistakes to avoid in 2022

2 min readMay 19, 2022


hey everyone so in today`s video we’re going to share six money traps that I see so many people falling into whether these are friends or family members or someone else around me, uh and I think these can be detrimental uh money traps to fall into that could end up costing you thousands of dollars it can end up stunting your growth in terms of wealth and it can cause a lot of other problems as well outside of just money problems so let’s go ahead and just jump into these here and so i think one of the first money problems that i see a lot of people making is they’re on a different page uh with their spouse in regards to finances so if you’re not on the same page with your spouse your boyfriend girlfriend uh the person that you might be living with if you’re not on the same page with them financially there’s going to be a lot of problems now i’m not talking about you know making the same amount of money or something like that i’m talking about when you are in a relationship where one person is you know budgeting and saving and investing and the other is just completely just blowing all of their cash not saving money spending all of the other person’s money uh and it gets pretty sticky and you know not a very good situation in fact if you look at the top reasons for why people get divorced one of those top reasons is due to money problems and i don’t want to go and say that you know money problems are the number one problem uh for relationships because you know there’s a lot of other things that can go in there if you’re not on the same page it’s going to be a big problem this water’s really good the next big money trap that a lot of people fall into it’s sales you know i think it’s the biggest gimmick the biggest like scam in the world here uh are sales because you know people are are trained from day one when we’re born that sales are good you save money when you buy something that’s on sale and i just think most of this is is not true um and so to be honest i would say that uh i don’t really believe in sales so just for an example here let’s say that something is 30 off uh and it used to be 100 and now it’s only 70 wow what a great deal right we’re saving 30 percent but truth be told you know at the end of the day maybe you bought that you spent 70 dollars you have 70 less now than what you had before after saving this 30 off so you see where i’m going with that there that sales still end up making you spend more money now it’s it’s okay like it’s debatable




Written by Medbenfahci

Hello, I'm Medbenfahci Entreprenuer | Digital marketer I help individuals turn their passion into a profitable online business www.medbenfahci.com

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