how to start an affiliate marketing business on a weekend

6 min readJun 26, 2022


In this blog post, I’m going to teach you how to start an affiliate marketing business in just one weekend there are a lot of different ways to do affiliate marketing I’m going into three different strategies you can get started what you to do is I want to pick one of those strategies right and build this out this weekend or today it doesn’t matter right the point is you can do all this in a couple of days as long as you follow the framework that I’m about to teach you in this blog post I want to make this blog post as a full tutorial as a resource you can always come back to get started and launch your affiliate marketing business from scratch so these are some of the best strategies where if I were to start from scratch right I’d be starting these strategies right here for the next couple years to come.

Having the right mindset

The first thing you need before we talk about the different ways to do affiliate marketing and all that the tactical stuff i want to talk about what I think is the most important thing that a lot of people will not talk about before it’s not the get rich quick instant gratification mentality and what I want to talk about the first thing is mindest right so i’m going to recommend a book to you it’s called the ONE thing and thereason i’m recommending this particular book right I’m not going make you read five differnet books if you’re going read on right read this ONE right and the reason why is because I think the biggest reason people fail trying to make money online or with affiliate marketing is they have shiny object syndrom right they’re not focused on the ONE thing right they’re not focused on one traffic source they’re not focused on one funnel they’re not focused on one business model they’re not focused on promoting one product right so this is like to sum up this book in a sentence right it’s basically if you try to catch two rabbits you’re not going to catch any right versus if you just go after one you’re going have a better chance of catching one versus trying to catch two rabbits right the king of the summary of this book it’s a great book i’d recommend it really get your mindset in the right place that’s the first thing right get your mindset right before starting your business because every decision you make in your business comes from you mind so if you have a bad mindset you’re going to make bad decision right it’s kind of like that south park episode where it’s like if you do pizza where you’re supposed to french fry you’re going to have a bad time same thing with your online business.

Click here to get this audiobook for free

The 3 strategies for affiliate marketing

This is where we’re going to talk about the strategy again this is another thing I don’t see a lot of people talk about here and me doing affiliate marketing there are really three ways to do affiliate marketing from what I’ve seen right three core ways again you want to pick one right you want to pick one let me teach you how to start and launch an affiliate marketing business in just one weekend so if you’re someone who’s brand new you’re looking to start an online business you’re looking to get an affiliate marketing or maybe you’ve been doing affiliate marketing for a while now the first thing you need before we talk about the different ways to do affiliate marketing before we talk about the funnels and all that all tactical stuff I want to talk about what I think is the most important thing that a lot of people will not talk about

Strategy 1

The first strategy is i mentioned was free traffic with video so obviously the best way to get started with this is tiktok and youtube if combine those two traffic source or just started with ont of them that’s going to be the best way if you want to do free traffic no money right you got 100 profit margins on every sale you make which means you can actually be a bad marketer but still make a profit because everything is free so that’s what’s cool about free traffic so if you’re doing free traffic with videos the best place is going to be is tiktok i think there’s a ton of opportunity on tiktok no matter what your niche is whether you’re in credit repair or in weight loss fitness bodybuilding right make money online digital marketing doesn’t matter there’s tons of different niches you can get started with it , if you want to start with videos and you want to show your face and start youtube channel it’s easy you just start youtube automation without make faceless channel without showing your face and make content with it if you want to know about youtube automation i wrote this blog post click here to read it .

Strategy 2

The number two strategy this gonna be free traffic without making videos so maybe you have really good work you want to make money online but you’re like the man I’m not making a freaking video I’m not showing my face that’s fine there’s an option for that so it that’s you right there are a couple of different ways to do this right obviously we have Pinterest we have blogging we have Facebook groups there’s faceless TikTok or youtube automation like I mentioned on the first strategy you just putting out content or videos but it doesn’t show your face it has nothing to do with you right there are lots of different niches create a website for affiliate marketing so this all with free traffic.

Strategy 3

So you don’t want to put out content you want to write you want to make videos so you can still do affiliate marketing but you will need a budget right you’re going to need a budget for this so this is going to be paid traffic so instead of you know working for the traffic we’re just going to be paying for it there are a couple of different ways to do paid traffic with affiliate marketing there are lots of ways

Organic traffic is an excellent and important way to grow your site. However, it doesn’t have to be your only strategy. By using paid website traffic sources to advertise your site, you can generate quick growth in traffic. This strategy can also help you target your advertising toward your ideal audience.

In this article, we’ve looked at three proven and best traffic sources for affiliate marketing, and discussed how you can use them to drive more visitors to your site:

  1. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  2. Link and banner advertisements
  3. Social media advertising

What a Sales Funnel Is (And Its Benefits for Your Affiliate Marketing Website)

A sales funnel is a defined path consumers take before making a purchase. Its goal is often to sell a product or service, but its purpose can also be to get leads to sign up for an email campaign.

The typical sales funnel follows a four-step process, which encompasses:

  1. Awareness: Understand how prospects find out about you, such as on social media or through search engine results pages (SERPs).
  2. Interest: Make your prospects interested in what you’re offering.
  3. Desire: Create a specific desire for a product or service.
  4. Action: Turn your leads into converts, such as by encouraging them to make a purchase or sign up for your newsletter.

When implemented correctly, sales funnels can help turn leads into customers. They enable you to better visualize the sales process, which helps you improve your marketing strategy.

What’s more, having a clear sales funnel in place enables you to narrow your focus, so you can more accurately pitch to your audience.




Written by Medbenfahci

Hello, I'm Medbenfahci Entreprenuer | Digital marketer I help individuals turn their passion into a profitable online business

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