What is Drop Servicing? How to Start Your Own Drop Servicing Business
Every single month we make it anywhere from 25$ to 35000$ with drop servicing only free traffic and I feel like this business model is literally for everyone since you don’t need a website you don’t need any previous experience since you’re not going be the one completing the work and you don’t need any money if you invest so you can work on this business whenever you want to and from wherever you want to and with all of that in mind drop servicing is the fastest way to make money online as a beginner in 2022 using only free traffic.
What Is Drop Servicing?
what is drop servicing well drop servicing or service arbitrage has a very similar business model to drop shipping but instead of drop shipping physical products from amazon eBay and Alibaba you drop service from freelancing platforms like Fiverr or Upwork for example you find a logo design service on Upwork that selling for 100$ then you go to Fiverr and you list the logo design service for 300$ and then whenever someone buys that service from you on Fiverr for 300$ you just go to Upwork and you hire the initial freelancer to complete the work for 100$ and you complete that done work for your customers and you keep 200$ profit in this case so being a drop servicer means being middleman and this makes it perfect for beginners since you don’t need to invest any money to begin and you don’t need your website and you don’t need any previous experience since all of the work.
Drop Servicing Niches
which is choosing your niche when it comes to dropping servicing there are a lot of different options to choose from you can go with graphic design video editing or social media management facebook ads google ads and many more but the ones that I personally like to go with are everything related to youtube video editing and thumbnails and social media management the reason for that is because for example when it comes to youtube the demand for youtube services is increasing because more and more people are starting either their brands on youtube or their youtube automation businesses and since there are more channels popping there is more and more business owners running youtube channels looking for someone to edit their videos to create thumbnails to manage their accounts and much more so the demand for this service is steadily increasing and it’s only going grow in the future
best drop servicing niches:
.YouTube Intros
.Designing YouTube Thumbnails
.Graphic Design
.Social Media Management
Find A Freelancer
to find a freelancer who can complete services in that particular need now there are a lot of different options where you can find high-quality freelancers you can go to upwork clicking gigs people for an hour and many more I personally like to go with when finding a freelancer who can complerte the work for me is upwork and the reason for that is because on upwork you are the onle who is hositn a job listing and then all of those freelancers are competing who you are going hire so they are basically coming to you instead of vice versa for example when it comes to fiverr the freelancer is selling the service and then you come to them and you basically compete with other people who are truing to buy the same service from them but in this case, you are the one posting a job listing and then the freelancers compete you can do it better and who can do it for a little bit cheaper and you also get to interview freelancers before you actually hire them so in my opinion upwork is way better and cheaper for hiring high quality talent so you can just go to upwork and sing up for absolytrly free and you can post your job lisitng and just wait for those freelancers to start applying then you just filter them through negotiate the deals a littel bit and you can start a long term partenrship with one of them.
Start Selling On Fiverr
you can start selling on fiverr when it comes to drop servicing a lot of the people out there will tell you that you need your own website or you need to even build like an entire agency or a company around it or an entire brand or whatsoever and even though yeah that is true when you’re trying to scale to like millions of dollars but in the begiinning if you want to build like a 100$ to 20000$ per month online buisness you don’t need a website in fact it will be them to begin with webstie because if you build website from scratch not only will you have to invest thousands and thousands of dollars in just desiging the website a lot of time and effort and buy the domain and hositng services and all of that in not probably ranking on google so you would then need to invest thousands of dollars to try rank on google to get traffic well so it’s definitly not worth it when you have all of these other platfroms that are already established are alredy getting traffic and alredy have millions of customers who you can reach for absolutely free so for example fiverr is being visited by over 50 milion people every single month and all of those people are buyers who are looking for different services so you can basically use this free platform to get free traffic and get a lot of customers and clients right from the start and you don’t need a website.
How To Get Sellers And How To Promote Your Servicing
So you have to list your services for free on different freelancing platforms you should start getting some external traffic through those services that you’ve listed so you can help yourself a rank higher on fiverr and other freelancing platfroms because if you give fiverr the signal that you are sending traffic from different platfroms ther’re gonna be willing to push your gig to more people plus the external traffic might get you some sales in the first place which is then going get you sone five start reviews hopfully if you deliver the good work and then when fiverr sees that you have five-star feedbacks they’re going be promting your gigs even more now the way that you can drive free traffic to literlly anyting including my drop sevicing stores is through faceless youtube automation now I’m not telling that you should just grab a camera and record yourself and makes videos because you can start a faceless youtube automation channels which meanes that you can start channel where you are not showing your face you’re not making videos you’re not filming anything you’re just getting videos done and those videos you promte their services and you leave links to your srvices in the description box so you can get free traffic by doing this but you’re also going to be paid by youtube if you’re approved into the partner program so you can get make a lot money from that so if you want to showing you how you can start youtube automation step by step click here and read this blog post how to start your faceless youtube automtion and start for free.